Funding Products Built to Last Through a Lifetime of Play

Funding Playgrounds in Southern California

Finding Ways to Make Your Playground Possible

The main reason why new playgrounds don’t get built often boils down to the cost of doing so. As a property owner, you’re no doubt aware of the upkeep costs you already work into your budget. Along with new developments or other projects, you may simply be unsure if now is the right time to sideline funds for a new playground.

The good news is that now can be the perfect time to build your new playground when you take advantage of grants, fundraisers, buying programs, and financing to make your project more affordable. Using a combination of these means may even make planning your project more feasible than you ever imagined it could be!

Need help funding a playground in Southern California? Contact us online or call (661) 529-7133 to find out how we can help you make affording your project possible.

Fundraise Your Project

Coordinating a fundraising initiative with traditional and online components can be an effective means of getting the money you need to build a new playground. When planning a fundraiser for your playground, keep a realistic goal in mind with respect to the kind of event or method it is.

Other important considerations for which fundraiser – or combination of fundraisers – can work for you include thinking about how many people may actually participate, what it will take to attract them, and how money much may each person contribute.

Traditional fundraising ideas include:

  • Bake sales
  • Local coupon book sales
  • Carwashes
  • Restaurant profit shares
  • Golf tournaments
  • Silent auctions
  • Sponsored walks or marathons
  • Sales for gift wrap, cookie dough, magazines, flower bulbs, etc.

Fundraising opportunities can also be sought with the Internet’s help. These potentially far-reaching campaigns, however, are mostly limited to crowdsourcing websites and fundraisers facilitated by even fewer tech giants such as Facebook or Amazon. Those hoping for a fundraising effort that covers a significant portion of their project may want to consider using multiple methods.

Apply for a Playground Grant

Whether you’re in charge of a school, religious organization, homeowner’s association, or another non-profit entity, there are numerous other organizations out there with grant programs that can help you fund a playground on your property. Such organizations include government entities, for-profit companies, and charitable foundations.

The Parks and Water Bond Act of 2018, also known as Proposition 68, was passed in California to promote and provide access to more outdoor areas and amenities. The $4 billion act was passed by a margin of 57.6%, the funds of which can be distributed for “the development and enhancement of state and local parks and recreational facilities” as well as finance outdoor access for all. If you are looking for financial assistance for your playground project, we encourage you to explore how the Parks and Water Bond Act of 2018 can help you.

We are proud to be the only Playground and Site Amenities Vendor that has attended hearings, workshops, and trainings put on by Cal Parks to learn how we can help our communities qualify for this incredible funding. This is a one-time opportunity, and Sun Country Playgrounds is especially prepared to help you make the most of it for your playground project.

Eligible applicants can expect the allocations to be announced in early 2020, after which you are expected to attend a mandatory application workshop. Once these steps are complete, you may submit an application package to the California Department of Parks and Recreation. You can learn more about the grant application process by clicking here.

If you need help planning for your city’s Prop 68 funding, contact Sun Country Playgroundstoday at (661) 529-7133. We have already helped many communities throughout Southern California and beyond.

Enter into a Buying Program

Becoming a part of a buying program means joining a pool of organizations like yours to pool purchasing power and gain leverage to reduce costs. When you join a buying program, you join a group of organizations like yours who work with suppliers to achieve favorable prices for their goods and services.

Finance Your Playground Project

You can consider financing your playground in Southern California through our partners at Play and Park. They offer a flexible financing solution that can immediately generate the resources you need.

Features of Play and Park’s Flexible Financing Program include:

  • 100% financing for your project
  • No down payments
  • Fixed payments without floating interest rates
  • Long-term commitment options with low monthly payments

Start funding your project today! Call Sun Country Playgroundsfor more information about Southern California playground funding: (661) 529-7133.

Commonly Asked Questions

What are some effective fundraising strategies for building a new playground in Southern California?

Effective fundraising strategies for a new playground in Southern California include traditional methods like bake sales, car washes, and silent auctions, as well as online campaigns through crowdsourcing websites and social media platforms. Combining multiple fundraising methods can help cover a significant portion of your project costs. It's important to set realistic goals, consider the potential participation level, and plan events that will attract and engage the community.

What are the benefits of joining a buying program for playground equipment in Southern California?

Joining a buying program for playground equipment allows you to pool purchasing power with other organizations, which can lead to reduced costs due to the collective bargaining power. This approach can help secure favorable prices for goods and services, making it a cost-effective option for those looking to build or upgrade playgrounds in Southern California.

What financing options are available for playground projects in Southern California?

For those considering playground projects in Southern California, financing options are available through partners like Play and Park. Their flexible financing program offers 100% financing, no down payments, fixed payments without floating interest rates, and long-term commitment options with low monthly payments. This can provide the immediate resources needed to start your playground project.

Why should I choose Sun Country Playgrounds for my playground project in Southern California?

Choosing Sun Country Playgrounds for your playground project in Southern California means partnering with a company that has actively participated in hearings, workshops, and trainings by Cal Parks to understand how to maximize funding opportunities like Prop 68. With a track record of helping many communities in the region, Sun Country Playgrounds is well-prepared to assist you in making your playground project a reality.


Tell It Best
  • “The playground equipment at Mission Oaks Park is one of, if not the best in the District.”

    - Dan at Pleasant Valley Parks & Recreation Department
  • “We are so grateful for their hard work, excellent service and quality equipment.”

    - S.R.